Homeplace (book)

Ok, folks, after so many records and a dvd, FINALLY I have put together a book, and here it is.

It was a sweet journey, and now that it is done, it feels like a meditation. I really hope you enjoy it.



“This beautiful book includes personal snapshots taken by Luka, scraps of scribbles from notebooks, and lyrics from a large selection of songs written over the last couple of decades”.

Ok, folks, after so many records and a dvd, FINALLY I have put together a book, and here it is.

It is called “Homeplace”.

The book’s introduction is in English, German and Dutch and explains what the book is (PDF link →).

It is a thrill to have completed this project, which has been slowly emerging for a number of years. Big thank you to my friend Paula Nolan, who collaborated with me to bring Homeplace to completion.

It was a sweet journey, and now that it is done, it feels like a meditation. I really hope you enjoy it, should you choose to buy it.